I would like to tell you all about my story. I have an illness that a 90-year-old woman has. It is called osteoporosis. That's when your bones dissolve. I have had 5 operations in the past year. I will start to tell you about my surgeries.
The first one was my left hip. They replaced with a metal hip on January of 2009. The second operation was my right hip. That was only 5 weeks after the one. But on July 27, I shattered it on the left side.
Then they started doing blood tests. Then I found out that I have a vitamin D deficiency. That is when I found out my problems.
Now you know most of my story. I would like to let you in life. At one time I was standing in my hallway. Then I had a terrible fall. That is when I broke my left hip, because the Doctor put it to close to the bone.
The ambulance came, I could not move I was scared to do anything. So I ended up at the hospital.I was there for 6 days. The first 4 days were traction. And I was in complete MISERY. You would never like to feel the pain I did. It was so severe, they had to put an epidural in my back. That is a very uncomfortable. The reason for the traction was that they had to order the part from CANADA after the new implant.
I ended in an inpatient hospital because of my new hard wear. They had a zero weight bearing on my left leg. Well to tell you what happened. The whole time I was in there, my left wrist was broken. So all I could do was lay in bed.
3 times a day a physical therapist would come in my room and do soft tissue therapy. To keep my muscles and tendons loose. Then I started weight bearing exercise. You would not understand the severe pain. Because of the new implant went all to the knee.
I did a whole other month of very painful therapy. Then the therapist came to the house, to look for safety items. Starting in the bathroom, I had to have bars to put in. And then I had to make a few adjustments in the kitchen and living room. And then more of the story really begins.
The whole time I was in the hospital my wrist was broken and the therapist was making me lift weights with it. So then I went to my post-op appointment. I started to tell my ortho about my wrist was really in pain. So then he took an x-ray of it. And of course it was broken. Then my ortho took me down the hallway to a hand Doctor. Then he had taken a look at the x-ray. That result ended up in a rush to the hospital.
The Doctor performed surgery that afternoon. Due to the weight bearing exercises, the Doctor could not realign the bone. So I have an agonizing spur on one side. It catches on everything, tendons, muscle, and nerves. The pain gets so bad, you almost want to die. My surgery was on Sept. 22, 2010, and now it is Feb. 15, 2010. And it has not healed up yet. So I would like to tell you all I am still really working on it.
I have a P.T. that is working with me 2 times a week. And also I have a Doctor that gives me injections in my neck. They start a sedative, which makes you really loopy. Then they put this needle in your neck. That is a sensation you do not want to go through. What happens is your goes numb, for at least 2 days.
So when I could start to try to get dressed. It was hard on everyone in my family. They had to help my do everything because it was like being a baby. So now I will tell you what my life is like now.
I can no longer walk with out a walker. I also take 9 different medications, it is so hard to take. I was so overcome being house bound again. I started volunteering at a place that I had been in for rehab.
So then that is when I found out what it takes to be a better person. And finding a job is just not possible right now. I need to start getting myself educated now. I tried to do it on the computer.
But I could not keep up. So then I called around to find out about a GED. I had started to find places to get one. At first I started with an orientation at D-2. I had taken my pre-test.
And then I received a call from D-2. Of course there were no openings. So they put me on a waiting list ha- ha.
So then I went to D-11 to try to get in. But if you not are not in D-11, you have to pay them. So I went to their orientation. And you would not believe it. A SPARK OF FAITH!
Penny called me and told me about an opening next week, and that I could start. It was like being on cloud 9. And that makes you feel better inside then you would know. I enjoy my teacher MISS SUE, because she knows right what I have been telling you about.
She is like no teacher I have experienced in all my life! Thanks to all the students, they are very hopeful also. So now I have the chance to better my life. And for anyone who reads this, take a minute and think about where you are in your life.
P.S This is something I should have done a long time ago. And again
to all the people that are helping me. Thanks again.