Friday, November 14, 2008

.......... NoThInG tO lOsE ..............

That's Right..... NOTHING TO LOSE

Why people feel the fear run into the veins when
something new in their lives is about to happen?...

What is that puts on alert all and each one of the
senses in the body and doesn't leave have a reaction?.
Probably the people feel safe themselves in their current
condition. And it is easier to remain the same how they are
than have a change in their lives and experiment a different
focus in the everyday life or lifestyle to earn one's living.

they feel nothing good is going to happen if they try
something different and new. The worse of this situation is
that some people don't have even the conscience they need
to make a change in their live.

What do we need to change??... But do something new guarantees us
all in our lives Will be different and better after we do something
novel??? .... I don't think so!!!.... But why do something different
if we are ok???. Perhaps not always the change ocurr in our environment
but inside of us, because that give us strength, character and the force
to keep us alive.

After all .... nothing to lose.. really??

If you never try.....
You will never know


Writers of the Future said...

There was a point in time where I use to be scared of change all the time. But now I'm use to change, sometime changes are good for all of us and sometime they make us a better person.

Anonymous said...

Great first post, Marco! You are a great writer with many important things to say. We must take risks in order to grow... thanks for reminding us.

Anonymous said...

Your story really made me think about alot of things I could have done,and things I need to do in life.For my kids and me.It was very very deep..

marina said...

That's true Marcos. if we never try we will never know. we have to lost the fear.

Manny said...

Your story caught my attention, I love it.