Friday, November 21, 2008


When I was fifteen years old. My cousin Chuy and I were playing in the plaza. He told me,¨ Lorena let´s go to the lake. I have my Dad´s gun.¨ Immediately we went to the lake and tried to kill a duck with the gun 48. I remember that it was beautiful and heavy. We were excited because it was a new experience for me, but when my uncle Jose found out, He was very angry because it is dangerous. The most important thing is that we never had an accident. We only did it for fun. I´m sad because my cousin Chuy died on October 14, 2006 in Pennsylvania somebody killed him. He lost his life with a gun shot. I always remember him in the moments I have spent with him.


The people think you are fortunate because you are legal in this country! But I have been through many things they don't know. Yes, I am but before I lost my father for almost 10 years. He was working hard in the USA. During this time he only went to visit us in Mexico three times. He never stayed with my mom, sister and me on many occasions like Christmas, birthdays, graduations and other special days for the family. I would give everything I have, if I could go back the time to recover the life with my Dad. Thanks to my Dad I can be safe in this country. Finally I think he's soo proud, because he wanted us in the USA, and now we are where he wanted us to be.


Dear son: Last Night you asked me: If you write a letter for me, would I write one for you?

I promised to do it, not only because you want it, but because I love you very much like every day I told you. I am so proud of you my charming son. You have been my turbulence since you have been in my life. I had no time to be boring or quite, when you were kicking me in the stomach, and you didn't let me sleep.

After a few months later you wanted to walk and run. I had to go with you every step. Some time later you were my Spiderman. I had to help you jump everywhere. Later on, I had to run behind you on your bike. I made swords with Styrofoam for you and me to fight. I built a hopscotch in the living room to jump with you. We invented a camping with chairs and sheets to sleep in.

Something very cute was when you always were helping me to cook. You made a very delicious gingerbread man cookies, and another kind of breads and pies. We have been doing a lot of funny things together. I wish always we will do.

Finally you are my very best baseball and soccer player of all. You are the best son I ever had.

My WeEkEnD

What a weekend I had! So many things I did and I was so busy. Early Friday morning I was sick in bed. But it sucked because it was Halloween and all I did was hand out candy to the little kids that were dressed up in their cute costumes. After that my stepmother and I watched movies all night. The one I liked the best was Shutter. It was scary. On Saturday morning my homeboy Jacob came over and we also watched movies. Following that, Jacob and I had helped my stepmother move in. What a Day! That next day I got up and got ready and had to go to my family get together. Which following that we also had a get together at my step sister's house as well. So much drama! All of the family was fighting. So I went home and fall asleep. I was so very tired! Over all this weekend it was so long. What a weekend!

/*/*/*/* Coming Back /*/*/*/*

Four months ago I left a lot things in my city and took the decision and came
to study English . I knew that it would be hard for me to leave my city but
I knew I needed to learn English because it is very important for my career.
I miss the city, friends, habits, routines, etc.
Besides those days when I spent some days walking through the city, and
other days when I was expecting the weekend to enjoy it with my friends
and forget our job's routine. We had a relaxing weekend and feeling tired
at the end of the week, but with the satisfaction have had a magnificent
weekend and get ready to begin the next week.

In the meantime my effort ought to be focused in improve my English.
After all that was the idea to come here and be in a unknown country with
a cultuere and life different than my life. Let me tell you something; I'm happy
because soon I'll be in my city with my people, but unfortunately just for one
month because I have to come back to finish what I began.

CoMiNg BaCk

My extended day I was at the airport on my way back from California to Colorado. Early that morning I had an two hour flight from Ontario to Colorado Springs Airport. An hour after I got off the plane, I sat there waiting and waiting. Mean while my mom had fallen asleep in the airport parking lot. Finally she came in and got me and got in the car and went home. When we got to the house everyone was surprised. Besides no one knew I was coming home. After everyone said hi and gave me hugs and kisses, we had a Welcome Home party. We ate pizza, had some drinks and played some card games. It was so fun! After everyone had left, I was so exhausted. Just sitting there thinking about my day, and how long it was. But it was worth it seeing my family smile.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween Comments!!

November is one of the most expected months for my children and the families love to wear costumes and scary personal articles.
Last Friday October,31 my children and I went to Down Town and walked about two or three long blocks to collect candies.
We past some funny moments and others scary because surprising behind a tree appeared a horrible muster and touched my back with long black nails.
I enjoyed seeing the grand diversity of costumes some Batman,Princess,Baby Bee,one Doll with her dirty dress, etc.
The costume I most remember is a girl looked like a big spider on a table. She had more creativity.
After that we decided to go to other place.
The next place was the Festival of Halloween in Salvation Army.
My children enjoyed very much playing and won some candies on each game until their pumpkin basket was full.
This pictures is my ninja son Pablo. He loved the clowns painting his face.

Halloween day

On Friday, October 31 Halloween day I went with my sons Jonathan, Pedro, my sister Aracely and her sons Obed, Pablo to the Down Town to go trick-or-treating.
We walked for about 1 hour around the stores to get candies and we took advantage to have some pictures and see the others peoples costumes. After that we were deciding what other place could go to get more candies. Days ago we were knowing what Salvation Army will have a festival to celebrate Halloween, so we went here.
At this place we found many funny contest were my sons could have candies, "many, many candies". They had their pumpkins full in a short time so, they had extra time to jump in the "bounce house" and painted their faces too. After that we went to eat hot dogs, cake, chips and drank water. Salvation Army brought the food too.
We had a terrific Halloween day!.

.......... NoThInG tO lOsE ..............

That's Right..... NOTHING TO LOSE

Why people feel the fear run into the veins when
something new in their lives is about to happen?...

What is that puts on alert all and each one of the
senses in the body and doesn't leave have a reaction?.
Probably the people feel safe themselves in their current
condition. And it is easier to remain the same how they are
than have a change in their lives and experiment a different
focus in the everyday life or lifestyle to earn one's living.

they feel nothing good is going to happen if they try
something different and new. The worse of this situation is
that some people don't have even the conscience they need
to make a change in their live.

What do we need to change??... But do something new guarantees us
all in our lives Will be different and better after we do something
novel??? .... I don't think so!!!.... But why do something different
if we are ok???. Perhaps not always the change ocurr in our environment
but inside of us, because that give us strength, character and the force
to keep us alive.

After all .... nothing to lose.. really??

If you never try.....
You will never know

Friday, November 7, 2008

When I was a child, ten years old, my favorite place was the Chuviscar River. I lived in a small community, where old people knows who lives in each house.
The river environment gave the opportunity to construct houses with the trees and bushes, and we had places to play for a long time.
Maqui and Elena were my best friends. We played to little house, we listened to music, etc. Also we went to the edge of the river to fishing little fish with the hands. We put the fish in a bottle for our house. We watched and took care them.