Friday, October 31, 2008


Yesterday was an amazing day for me, because I went to vote. This is my first time voting in this country. I'm from Mexico and I am a naturalized citizen of the USA. In March of the present year, I received the most important right for the citizens people, VOTE.
This election for President of the USA is one of the most important of the last years, because for a first time an African-American is elected to be a candidate for a Democratic Party. I don't know if it's a secret vote, but I voted for Barack Obama for the new President of the USA. I voted for a change in this country. Now we need to wait to November 4th for to know who will be the new President. Barack Obama or John McCain.


Anonymous said...

Ofelia, Congratulations! your vote are will count.

Anonymous said...

Well. . . Now you have one of the most importants rights in your hands. With this right you are going to be listen and your vote could make the difference to decide the new government.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations about you have a voting right.
People get opportunities of several elections. But many people give up their voting right.There are many reasons. But we have to vote as possible.I think that the nonvoters don't have a qualification about the result of election.
Each vote can making important decisions.

Anonymous said...

Barrack Obama became the 44th president instad of Jhon McCain. The other president was George Bush we wanted a nother president we don't remember his name.But he was a good president.

Anonymous said...

hey cousin, next year i`ll be voting too, the difference is that im in my country!!...
your vote will make a difference.,
i hope the new president of the US bring a new vision for everyone overthere...
talk to you later.!!
you`re doing great!

Anonymous said...

barrack obama will be good for the united states for years to come

Manny said...

I am happy for you that you can vote.Obama will make change.Everyone deserves to have a chance although the changes will be drastic.