Friday, September 25, 2009

Dear Greg Mortenson

I see you was talking about humanity , racism and kids.
The humanity is what people can give to another.
Like you gave to all the people in Korphe.
The school is a place where all the people can learn.
You heart is full of humanity.
You also found out the racisim from the
people in the USA. They did bad things like put the trash can
over his head and slapped it because he came from Africa.
You always help the kids to teach them in math.
When they were sick he geve medicine. You took good
of them.
I think You are a very nice person . I want to tell you
thank you for sharing this wonderful story with all
the people , and you experience.


haida said...

I liked your comment, is so true thank god we have good people like m.r mortenson.

Sara GC said...

What a great entry!
The best lesson I learned from GM is that just one person who believes in themselves has the power to make big, powerful changes in the world.